
Specialized Kinesiology Energy Balancing

A Specialized Kinesiology Energy Balance session is a communication tool to gather information from your body to best understand what it needs to achieve your goals, by evaluating structural, nutritional, emotional, and energetic aspects. 

An SK Energy Balancing session usually takes 60 to 90 minutes and is performed fully clothed. We evaluate 14 different organs and meridian pathways by muscle monitoring. Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, we will stimulate specific reflex points corresponding with imbalanced areas, trace energetic pathways, understand nutritional needs, and work with the acupressure system. We work with the nervous system, and the subconscious mind, and with the understanding that all emotions, substances, and objects all carry a unique energy frequency that the body reacts to. This information then tells us what type of correction, be it structural, nutritional, emotional, or energetic needs to balance to the area that is what we call “blocked” or “stressed” 

From a session, you may experience:

A sense of calm

Reduction in pain and headaches

Stronger immune system

Maintain a healthy mind and body

Move through emotional blocks

Motivated to achieve your goals

Mental clarity

A greater sense of connection to self

Reiki Session

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan. It is based on the concept of "universal life energy" or "spiritual energy" that practitioners believe exists in all living things. The term "Reiki" is a combination of two Japanese words: "rei," meaning universal, and "ki," meaning life energy or vital force.

Reiki Principles:

  1. Energy Flow: Practitioners believe that there is a universal life energy that flows through all living things and that disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical or emotional health issues.

  2. Healing Touch: Reiki involves the laying on of hands or hovering hands over the recipient, allowing the practitioner to channel and transfer this universal energy to the patient.

Potential Benefits of Reiki:

  1. Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

    • One of the primary benefits reported by recipients is a deep sense of relaxation and stress relief. The calming nature of the therapy can promote a state of balance and tranquility.

  2. Pain Management:

    • Some people find relief from chronic pain conditions after receiving Reiki sessions. While it may not directly treat the cause of the pain, it can contribute to a sense of well-being and relaxation, which may improve the perception of pain.

  3. Enhanced Well-Being:

    • Many individuals report an overall improvement in their emotional and mental well-being after Reiki sessions. This may include a reduction in anxiety, improved mood, and a greater sense of clarity.

  4. Support for Traditional Medical Treatments:

    • Some individuals use Reiki as a complementary therapy alongside traditional medical treatments. It is not a replacement for conventional medicine but may be used in conjunction with it.

  5. Energetic Balance:

    • Practitioners believe that Reiki helps balance the energy centers (chakras) in the body, promoting harmony and overall vitality.

  • Holistic Approach: Reiki is often viewed as part of a holistic approach to health, focusing on the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Responses to Reiki can vary widely from person to person.

1:1 Holistic Health Coaching

8 Week Program

We will explore your health and wellness goals and your body's messages from the included Specialized Kinesiology Energy Balancing sessions. Each week, we meet in person or via video chat and discuss tools for you to take action on to achieve the goals we set for your health upgrade. 

I will help you turn up the volume on self-love, clear limiting beliefs, and get to the root of what is holding you back from shining your light and reaching your goals. Your individualized program will help create harmony in your inner environment through resources like food recommendations, supplements, breathwork, movement, flower essences, and more. This uplevel helps create a ripple effect of health, harmony, and happiness in your outer environment. When your inner self shines, your physical body can ultimately thrive. 

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation